You’d be surprised just how useful the other effects are too, drawing 2 or even 3 cards from Divine Wind feels so satisfying! Elemental HEROs in particular went from an unreliable, inconsistent yet insanely fun deck, to an actual fairly competitive anti-meta deck.ĭivine Wind gives you a great option, having a monster that can’t be destroyed by battle is invaluable at times. Masked HERO monsters gave the HERO archetype a massive boost in terms of dueling power. That will introduce a whole bunch of new HERO monsters, so I’ll update when it’s out 🙂 Note: Post is created before the release of the Legendary Heroes Decks box set. This list will detail the 10 best HERO monsters in the game, considering effectiveness in and outside of HERO decks! You have so many options available, every single turn, to summon powerful boss monsters that are strong while being fair to face for the opponent. Not only do they look cool and are full of nostalgia, HEROs are arguably one of, if not the most fun archetype in the entire game to play. While many didn’t like the series itself, Elemental and Destiny HEROs are loved enough to have a whole bunch of cards released for them over the years. Ever since the release of controversial Yugioh GX, the HERO archetypes have been fan favorites among the Yugioh community.